

Monday 25 March 2013

Believe in Yourself to be Successful

There are people that are incredibly talented and yet, they are not successful. There are people with amazing skills and abilities that are struggling all the time. There are not so talented and skillful people that get to surprising levels of success. It's because talents, skills and abilities are not a guarantee to success.

The first step, to achieve anything in life is to believe in yourself, believe in what you do - that is, your product or service. Every great achiever will tell you that the defining moment of his/her life was when he or she decided to believe in him/herself.

In order to achieve success you need to get rid of everything in your brain that underestimate your value, your abilities and remind yourself over and over again what are your strengths and what you are good at, and to strengthen your belief in your ability to succeed - you may read, What it Takes to Succeed in Your Business.

Think about this:
What do the Donald Trump's, Bill Gates and others do that help them earn in their business hundred times more than anyone else? Can you imagine they tell themselves they aren't talented enough? Not worthy of success? You will not find a business owner that doesn't value and belief in himself.

Now take a look at yourself, think deeply about what you do well and enjoy doing, focus on it and be committed towards it. Learn something new about what you believe you can do - so you wouldn't give up on your dream, with that you are on the path to success. You may also read, How to be Financially Successful.

It's your time to decide if you will be successful. When you are successful, you will start treating and talking to yourself in a different manner.

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Wednesday 6 March 2013

Don't Waste Your Space On Non-Profitable

The way the stores make their money is quite simple, they provide consumers with temptations. They pay close attention to both their customers' needs and what they will buy. Consumers also tend to forget that all stores are interested in one thing - profits.

The stores purchase exactly what they predict their customer will buy, put it on a shelf and tell you all about it. They don't care if you already have another one that's still good or if you need it or not. All they care about is whether or not you'll buy it. If for some reason the product doesn't sell they will cut the price so it is even more tempting for you. If marking it down doesn't work they get rid of it. Even though the store spent money on their inventory, they do not waste precious shelf space on anything that is not currently useful for them, that is to say... making them money.

So what does this have to do with you?
First of all, just because a store stocks, it doesn't mean you have to buy it. The store's goal is to sell their products to you not make you happy. You do not have to buy the "newest and brightest" just because it is available. Give yourself permission to take control and ask yourself if you really need the product and how you will use it. Ask yourself if there is something that you already have that will work instead. Ask yourself if it will end up sitting on your shelf.

Second, imagine you were a store manager and take a few minutes to look around your office. Are there things in there that are beyond their shelf life? Are there things that you already own that will never be used? Are you wasting your space on things that are not profitable for you?

Sure some of the products you have may be "good" and there is nothing to say you can't use them but if you would prefer to have this year's model then recognize that last year's model isn't worth anything and let it go. The money you spent is already gone, now it's about shelf space.

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